Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The last leaf put up a valiant show and danced its way to death, to become soil to a new life. And so i put away some experiences, to become lessons for the days to come. Out of the window, i see a bridge,across a chasm, to the other world. A chasm between today and tomorrow,between fall and spring.between dreams and reality. between hope and fulfilment.
I feel like a pod of seeds gone dormant, waiting for the spring to open me up, to the world again. In the midst of silent air, i can hear the song of a sunbird that would call this gray firmament its home again.Among the barren tress of the fall, i can see the colors of the spring. Behind the gray moods of the clouds, i can see the warm summer sunshine. The tress would come to life again and fulfill the promise that the rustle of the falling leaves had whispered into the ears of migrating birds.Till then, i'll keep the fire burning in the furnace, to give me light warmth and cheer.

1 comment:

Varun Mahajan said...

It is pure poetry. What a way to describe autumn(fall).beautiful